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North Wake Church

North Wake Leader Blog

North Wake Leader Blog

Essential and Non-Essential Issues Concerning Matters of Christian Fellowship

On Sunday, June 12, 2016, Larry Trotter mentioned these resources that help us think through what are essential and non-essential issues concerning matters of Christian fellowship. These resources can help address the question of what is worth dividing over: Essentials and...

Delighting In God's Word - Psalm 119

In the sermon on March 13, 2016, Larry referred to THIS study guide for daily reading and reflection on Psalm 119 and the list of verses from Psalm 119 that model delighting in God’s Word. Enjoy! Psalm 119 Study Guide and Daily Reflection Here are a number of verses that...

Prayer Resources

As we begin our new series on Prayer, below are several great resources for families on the topic of prayer. We pray that these are just the beginning of your family's continued growth in the area of prayer! Time In Prayer How to Spend an Hour in Prayer Half Day of Prayer A...

Resources for US Supreme Court Same-Sex Ruling

Here are a series of links that have been helpful for me in thinking through the recent Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage: If you're are interested in attending a local conference on issues related to SSA and same-sex marriage, this one is highly recommended. Transforming Grace...

U.S. Supreme Court Ruling

To Our Church Family: I am sure every one of you has heard the news regarding the ruling on same-sex marriage issued by the US Supreme Court on Friday, July 3rd. Above and before anything else, we ask that you pray for our country, our leaders and the members of the Court. While most expected...
