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Children's Ministry Blog - 4 Tips for Helping your Kids Memorize Scripture by Tyson Paoletti

4 Tips for Helping your Kids Memorize Scripture by Tyson Paoletti

4 Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Memorize Scripture

  1. Set a Goal. Try one verse a week. This will allow you to dwell on that verse, apply it, and talk about it through the week. Not all the kids will learn at the same pace, so this will also allow some flexibility.
  2. Be Consistent. Figure out when, where, and what works for your family. Make it realistic: maybe it's morning, or dinner time, or in the car on the way to and from school—or have them say their verse to you before you leave for work.
  3. Choose the Verses. Pick verses that make sense for your whole family to learn. You can even taper the verse to just a section for the younger kids.
  4. Make it Fun. SING SONGS! Repetition is key. So whatever way works for your family, have fun doing it and be creative.

Psalm 119:11 says "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." The Word of God is "living and active," it's "profitable for teaching, reproof, for correction and training in righteousness," and it "does not return empty." Thank you God for your powerful Word. It's life-changing, life-shaking, and I desire for it to penetrate not only my life, but the life of this amazing family you entrusted to me.

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