Our Ministries
- Grow Groups
- Worship
- Kid’s Ministry
- Student Ministry
- Adult Discipleship Classes
- Care & Benevolence
- Feed Ministry
- Hope Counseling
- Lily Moms
- Women’s Ministry
- Men’s Ministry
- Harvest Teams – Neighborhood Outreach
- Runner’s Camp
- Mercy Health Clinic
- 4:12 Discipleship College-Aged Ministry
- Mature Adults Ministry
- Disability Ministry
Grow Groups
Grow groups at North Wake exist to grow in our love for God, one another, and our neighbor through the mutual encouragement of Christian community.
More Information: northwake.com/growgroups
We believe that God created humanity to enjoy and glorify Him. This is our created purpose. Worship at North Wake is much more than the singing that we do on Sunday mornings together. It is how we live our everyday lives in response to our loving God. We seek to delight and enjoy the goodness of our God by obeying and following His commands. This is how we best love Him (John 14:21).
Contact: Daniel Creswell, danielc@northwake.com
Kid’s Ministry
The North Wake Kid’s Ministry’s mission is to partner with parents in providing a dynamic environment where children learn to become mature and ministering worshipers of God through strong Biblical teaching and authentic modeling of the Christian Faith.
Updates: https://northwake.com/nwkids/
Contact: Kelly Cissell at children@northwake.com
Student Ministry
We are a group of 6th-12th grade students who are learning to love God and others by studying God’s Word and serving God’s world. We meet on Sunday mornings and evenings as a large group and in small groups led by North Wake members.
For More Information: northwake.com/students
Adult Discipleship Course
Throughout the year, our Sunday adult discipleship courses provide great opportunities for getting to know one another, learning God’s word, and seeking how to apply it in our lives. These courses are typically 6-8 weeks depending on the focus of the course. The goal of these courses is to help you grow as a follower of Jesus and member of his family.
Contact: Noah Joyner, noahj@northwake.com or go to northwake.com/adc for upcoming courses.
Care & Benevolence
North Wake believes in helping members of the community deal with financial problems. By sharing God’s resources with those in need, the Care and Benevolence team works to share God’s Good News with each helping hand.
Contact: Tyler P. @ tylerp@northwake.com
Feed Ministry
Feed is a ministry of North Wake whose mission is to reach the less fortunate of Wake County by providing for both their physical and spiritual needs. For more information, go to https://northwake.com/feedministry/.
Contact: Tyler P. @ tylerp@northwake.com
Hope Counseling
The HOPE Counseling Center is a ministry of North Wake Church. We want to pass on to others the compassion, mercy, practical help and hope that God has given to us (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). We believe that God provides realistic and effective solutions for the struggles and hardships of life in his written Word and through the person and work of his living son, Jesus Christ.
More Information: http://www.thehopecounselingcenter.org/
LILY (Life in the Little Years) Moms is open to all moms who are currently loving, struggling or just surviving life with little ones between birth and kindergarten. We want to provide an open, accepting atmosphere where the specific and significant needs of today’s mothers of little ones are addressed; including friendship, tips on child-rearing, marriage, managing your home and your personal life – physically, emotionally and spiritually!
Contact: Erica Wu, NWLilyMoms@gmail.com
More Information: northwake.com/lilymoms
Women’s Ministry
Our mission is to reach women for the Kingdom of God, help them grow into the likeness of Christ, and develop a passion to Glorify Him with every part of their lives.
Contact: womensministry@northwake.com or go to northwake.com/womensministry
Men’s Ministry
Our mission is to assist men in becoming mature and ministering worshipers by equipping and encouraging them in their unique roles of: BROTHER/FRIEND, WORKER, HUSBAND, and FATHER/SON.
More Information: https://www.facebook.com/NorthWakeMen/
Harvest Teams – Neighborhood Outreach
Come join us as we intentionally engage neighbors and share the love and truth of God with them through prayer, gospel-sharing, friendship, and starting community Bible studies. We have multiple teams that go out regularly so feel free to reach out for more details of how you can get involved!
Contact: James Lind, LindsOnMission@gmail.com
Runner’s Camp
The Runner’s Camp is a one-week Christian day camp centered on the sport of track & field for kids ages 6-12 years old.
More Information: http://runnerscamp.org/
Mercy Health Clinic
The mission of Mercy Health clinic of North Wake is to share the love of Jesus Christ with our North Wake County region neighbors in need by providing free medical care. We are a Gospel centered free health care clinic offering comprehensive primary care, health education, and case management.
More Information: https://www.mercyhealthnw.org/
4:12 Discipleship College-Aged Ministry
4:12 Discipleship is a ministry that welcomes 18-23 year olds at different stages of life. We seek to create a discipling community that helps others take their next step in faith and life.
More Information: northwake.com/collegeageministry or email 412Discipleship@northwake.com
Mature Adults Ministry
The mission of the Mature Adults Ministry is to cultivate camaraderie and opportunities for fun within the more mature population (church and neighborhood) to ultimately draw others closer to Christ.
Disability Ministry
North Wake Disability Ministry exists to equip the Church to show the love of Christ to those impacted by disabilities (i.e. special needs, neurodivergent, physical, etc.).
For more information, go to northwake.com/nw-disability-ministry or email disability@northwake.com.