“How to Fall in Love with the Family of God” is a six-week Adult Discipleship course held at North Wake Church exploring our love, commitment, challenges, forgiveness, affection, and encouragement of your local church. For more information, contact Noah Joyner.


1: Love: “God’s Love for Us Empowers Us To Love His Family” – John 15:1-17

2: Commitment: “Commitment to God’s Family is an Expression of Love” – Acts 2:42-47

3: Honesty: “But Lets Be Honest, The Church Can Be a Hard and Hurtful Place”

4: Forgiveness: God’s Forgiveness Frees Us to Appropriately Forgive Others in the Family

5: Affection: How do We Build, Rebuild, and Maintain Affection for the Family of God

6: Encouragement: How Do We Support God’s Family with our Words, Gifts, and Talents?