APOC Team – Abuse Point of Contact

The sin of sexual misconduct or abuse has plagued far too many Church leaders in recent years. Because of this disturbing and devastating reality of our broken and sinful world, the elders of North Wake along with a team of concerned members have proactively created the Abuse Point of Contact (APOC) team. The APOC team was not created in response to any incident or accusation at North Wake but in a proactive effort to establish a plan should there be a need, although we pray that our church will never have need of this team.

The APOC team will work with all involved to provide support, make reports and plan a response if an abuse has occurred. The APOC team members are listed below. These women and men have already begun to train and pray together over the last several months. The team has worked diligently to create a detailed document outlining the mission, doctrine and procedures of the APOC team.

If you or a loved one ever experience sexual harassment or abuse at the hand of anyone in leadership at North Wake (e.g. staff member, teacher, small group leader, etc.), please reach out to one of these individuals.

You also can email the APOC team at APOC@northwake.com

Team Members

Alicia Burgess

Gene Burrus

Marybeth Eilers

Rhonda Garrett

Penny Keathley

Stephanie Joyner

Mary Kathryn Lassetter

Lance Thigpen

Sam Williams

Liaison to Church Staff: Shanna Smith

North Wake Church Policy on Sexual Misconduct

May 2021 Policy on Sexual Misconduct Adopted by the Elders of North Wake Church

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