TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Why Did the Crowd Turn on Jesus and Yell “Crucify Him”?

Adapted and updated from The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim (Book V, Chapter Read:  Mark 15:1-20 During the Passion Week, the crowd in Jerusalem seems to have had a major swing in opinion. Jesus entered the city to praise and adoration but, by the end of the week, faced a crowd shouting "Crucify Him!" demanding for his crucifixion. Can such a change really happen so quickly? Why Did the Crowd Turn on Jesus and Yell "Crucify Him"? We must consider first that the people shouting "Hosanna" when Christ arrived were not the residents of Jerusalem. Instead, He rode in the

By |October 24th, 2020|

The Look of Love

Written by THABITI ANYABWILE  |  FEBRUARY 21, 2010, Read:  Mark 14:53-72 Each of the four gospel writers record that faithful night when the apostle Peter denied our Lord with three statements of increasing rejection.  They tell us of Peter’s bitter weeping when he realized that Jesus correctly predicted his denials before the rooster crowed.  But Luke includes a profound little detail. Luke 22:61 says that just as Peter was denying Jesus for the third time and the rooster crowed, “The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.  Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him….” That look must have killed Peter a

By |October 18th, 2020|

The Greatest Prayer in the World

Written by John Piper, Read:  Mark 14:32-42 It is Thursday, the night before Jesus’s crucifixion. This evening has been laden with teaching (John 13–17), shocking with foot washing by the greatest for the least (John 13:3–20), epoch making with the institution of the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:20–30; Mark 14:17–26; Luke 22:14–20), and pivotal with the departure of Judas (John 13:30). Now Jesus and the eleven have gone to the garden of Gethsemane (John 18:1; Mark 14:32). Here Jesus prays the greatest prayer in the world. What hung in the balance was the glory of God’s grace and the salvation of the world. The

By |October 11th, 2020|

Lay Your Burdens Down at the Table

Written by Matt Damico. Read:  Mark 14:1-31 Have you ever walked into church and felt crowded? I don’t mean by the people. I mean crowded in yourself — the inward tug you get when the junk of your life clings on and won’t let go. When recent conversations, work troubles, and sin issues hang like a fog. Or when there’s been a diagnosis, or some unforeseen drain on your bank account that you can neither avoid nor afford. You know that feeling? When you walk into church like that, it’s hard to get out of your own head and see

By |October 7th, 2020|

Praying for Unity in Our Church

By Hayden LindseyI’ve found the division and strife in our world these days disheartening. Seeing this discord on social media, even among Christians, left me feeling saddened and a bit helpless this summer. In August, the Lord pressed on my heart the importance of praying for unity in the church. He is our Help and our Hope in these strange times. Blaire Savage and I compiled 30 days’ worth of verses to pray, and our elder wives’ prayer group joined us in praying through the month of August. My dear small group ladies also joined in this effort. Another group

By |October 1st, 2020|

Help with Mark 13!

As I mentioned in my sermon on Mark 13, here are a couple of resources that might be helpful for you in further study: Some definitions of terms from John Piper. Piper is here defending his view of a rapture of the church that happens after a time called the great tribulation (post-tribulation is the label of this view).  Regardless if you agree with him or not, his definitions of terms are quite helpful. Two  sermons by Dr. Danny Akin on Mark 13. You can either listen to him preach or read the manuscript.  This teaching is similar to his commentary “Exalting

By |September 30th, 2020|

A Prayer of Praise to the King of Creation

Written by Douglas McKelvey, Every Moment Holy. p. 273-277 Read:  Mark 13 Join me in this prayer of praise to the King of Creation and Re-creation. Our thoughts of you, O Lord, have been too small, too few - for seldom have we considered how specific is the exercising of your authority, extending as it does into the myriad particulars of creation. There is no quarter over which you are not king. And as creation hurtles toward its liberation and redemption, the full implications of your deep Lordship are yet to be revealed in countless facets unconsidered: Christ, you are

By |September 27th, 2020|

Theology Can Blind You to God

Article by Marshall Segal | The Gospel Coalition Read:  Mark 12:35-44 Jesus had enemies. As soon as he’s declared Son of God in the Gospel of Mark, he’s driven into the wilderness to face Satan, his first and greatest adversary (Mark 1:12). Satan lurks behind all opposition to Jesus, and his demons show up repeatedly to entice and corrupt, but surprisingly, his henchmen are more often theologians than demons. Satan is mentioned only five times in Mark, and demons only thirteen times. But the scribes and Pharisees are mentioned 29 times, and in 27 of those verses, they are wielding their knowledge

By |September 20th, 2020|

Pay Your Taxes But Trust in Christ

Article by Collin Hansen SEPTEMBER 22, 2010  | The Gospel Coalition Read:  Mark 12:13-34 Enjoying a sunny fall day, I walked around the National Mall on Saturday afternoon. Before visiting any other favorite sites, I ascended the temple steps where Father Abraham presides on his throne over American civil religion. Designed to recall the Greek Parthenon, this memorial secures Lincoln’s place in the American pantheon. If you champion a social cause and want to leave your mark on America, you must at some point make the pilgrimage to this hallowed ground. All the better if you can deliver a speech that

By |September 13th, 2020|

The Parable of the Tenants

Article by Charles K. Telfer, Tabletalk Read:  Mark 11:27-12:12 No man was braver than our Lord Jesus. Right to their face and at the risk of His life, He exposed the evil intentions of the self-engrossed leaders of the people of God in His generation. Ironically, our passage ends with these chief priests seeking to arrest Him (Matt. 21:45–46), thereby practicing precisely the kind of hard-hearted grasping that Jesus condemned in the story. Jesus’ strong actions (driving vendors from the temple) and words of coming judgment (the neighboring stories of the cursing of the fig tree and the parables of the two

By |September 6th, 2020|
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