TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Coronavirus and Christ — Free New Resource

These are strange days we are living in. Fortunately, many Christians are putting out lots of helpful responses to and commentary on the coronavirus pandemic. Pastor and author John Piper has recently (and very quickly!) written a short book in response to the coronavirus pandemic and how our faith in Christ enables us to live both confidently and at peace during these strange days. He begins by laying a foundation for understanding the character of God in the midst of a pandemic such as the one we find ourselves in. He goes on in later chapters to offer several things

By |April 10th, 2020|

Good Friday Resource – “The Golgotha Experience”

Many of us stuck inside are missing normal patterns of life. This Easter season is missing, for some, up to three or more different church-related traditions alone. Larry found a great resource for you to use, potentially even with your whole family, on Good Friday. Golgotha Music ( has some singer-songwriter music in a 1-hour continuous play video on their website. The accompanying book is a little long but could also be a good tool for your family. Pausing the video between songs with enough time to read the prayer and the scripture they provide could be a way for

By |April 8th, 2020|

A Guide to Daily Prayer During this Pandemic

This is a really helpful daily prayer guide focussed on the Coronavirus pandemic that was put together by some friends in India (including one of our NWers living there!).  Please consider using it as you strive for extra time in prayer in these troubling times. 21-Day Prayer Guide in the Midst of the Coronavirus

By |April 6th, 2020|

Letting Your Light Shine During Lockdown

Three Steps to Loving Your Neighbor in “Such a Time as This” Dear North Wake Faith Family, At the beginning of 2020, the elders set an annual priority for our church of engaging our community with compassion and hospitality, taking the risk to speak to them of Christ.  Of course, we could have never imagined that we would find ourselves facing an unprecedented pandemic just a few months later. Yet God has certainly not been caught unaware. In His providence, we recognize that there is an unprecedented opportunity to fulfill our mission and uphold our annual focus in these strange

By |March 28th, 2020|

Christians Should Practice Hospitality, Especially Now!

Remember that during times of great uncertainty, Christians should be among those who move towards those in their community who have great need and not away from them. Christian author and speaker, Rosaria Butterfield, reminds us of how we, as followers of Christ, should practice radically ordinary hospitality in these troubled times. Please consider her thoughts and challenge. Practice Hospitality, Especially during COVID-19

By |March 27th, 2020|

Martin Luther and the Coronavirus

Just got this insightful quote from NWer Daphne Woodall.  It’s from Martin Luther when he was ministering to those facing the Black Death.  Love this line, “if God should wish to take me, he will surely find me... if my neighbor needs me, however, I shall not avoid place or person.” Trusting with you all, Pastor Larry “I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict

By |March 18th, 2020|

Kids At-Home Devotional Resource

Looking for a fun family devotional for this weekend since North Wake is meeting remotely? Check out this excellent resource from our friends at Lifeway Kids! Materials include a Bible Story video, Life Application video, a kids connection video, a missions video and gospel presentation resources. New sessions will be updated weekly at midnight on Thursday nights so that families can have fresh content every weekend. Step 1: Go to Step 2: Register if you are a new user or login if you already have an account Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38 Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again,

By |March 14th, 2020|
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