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As one who has been led by the Spirit of God to repent of my sins, believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior, and place my faith in His finished work on my behalf, I solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant with the other members of North Wake Church.

Before God and by the power of the Holy Spirit we prayerfully covenant together:

1) To endorse wholeheartedly the Statement of Faith, the Constitution, and the Church Discipline Policy of North Wake Church. (3 John 3,42 Tim 4.1-4Matt. 18.15-20)

2) To nurture an authentic, abiding relationship with Christ through prayer, worship, fellowship, and Bible study. (Acts 2.42Matt. 6.6John 4.23-242 Tim. 3.16-17Ps.18.30)

3) To regular fellowship with an individual or a small group for the purpose of encouragement, support and accountability. (1Thes. 5.11Hebrews 3.12-19).

4) To pray for and build authentic relationships with those who don’t know Christ with the hope of sharing Christ with them. (Matt. 9.35-382 Tim 4:5Jude 20-23)

5) To be nurtured and fed through the corporate gatherings of the church. Participation in these assemblies will be a strong priority in our lives. (Ps 22.22-27Heb 10.19-25Rev 19.4-10)

6) To responsibly steward our spiritual gifts in order to strengthen the faith of one another (1 Cor. 12.7-1121-31)

7) To steward our material resources in such a way that honors God, and giving to the local body at North Wake Church is a regular part of that stewarding. (2 Cor. 9.6-81 Tim 6.18)

8) To pledge our cooperation, submission and prayer support to the elders of North Wake Church and to those God has called into positions of leadership. (Heb. 13.7,17)

I pledge to fulfill all of the above commitments to Christ and His Body as a member of North Wake Church.

Name: ________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________

Dated: ________________________________________________