Being good at evangelism often times begins with learning very basic skills that help us be prepared for conversation when the topic of faith comes up. Perhaps one of the most basic skills every Christian should know is how to clearly, simply and quickly share their own personal testimony of conversion and faith.
While sometimes it is the case that our non-Christian friends are not yet interested in working through a Gospel outline, they very often are interested in hearing how you came to faith in Christ.
- Being able to tell them “clearly” focuses the emphasis in the conversation on our central need for faith in Jesus Christ.
- Telling your story “simply” keeps them from getting lost on important yet non-central issues related to faith in Christ.
- Having the skill to tell your story “quickly,” in 3 minutes or less, enables you to meet them where they are without forcing an awkward situation. It then allows time in the course of normal conversation to ask if they would be interested in talking further.
The following worksheet is designed to help you craft a version of your testimony that hits the highlights of faith in Christ while also personalizing the story.
Once you answer the questions write out your testimony in less than 500 words. Once you do so, go over the finished product with an elder or a small group leader to help refine the ideas.
It will take some discipline, but the payoff in clarity, simplicity and quickness will be something that you will thank the Lord for many times over!
Mark Liederbach