“Lent is a season of preparation and repentance during which we anticipate the death (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter Sunday) of Jesus. It is this very preparation and repentance – aimed at grasping the intense significance of the crucifixion – that gives us a deep and powerful longing for the resurrection, the joy of Easter.” – Will Walker

As we walk through this season of Lent together as a church family, I will be posting a simple daily prayer of confession for you to use as a prompt for your own prayers of confession.  The spiritual practice of daily confession of sin is a vital one for me.  I hope these daily posts can help you form a similar practice of forsaking sin and embracing Christ’s mercy that is far, far greater than our sins!

Day 21

I Am not worthy, Lord and Master, that Thou shouldest come under the roof of my soul; but since Thou desirest to dwell within me, O Lover of mankind, I am bold to draw near.  Thou dost bid me to open the door which Thou alone hast made, that Thou mayest enter and bring light into my darkened mind.  I believe that Thou wilt do this, for Thou didst not cast out the harlot when she came to Thee in tears, nor reject the publican when he repented, nor cast out the robber when he confessed Thy kingdom, nor forsake the persecutor when he repented; but Thou didst number among Thy friends all who came to Thee in penitence, O Thou Who alone art blessed, now and world without end.

St. Chrysostom

Photo by Jamie Ginsberg on Unsplash