By Published On: April 22nd, 2021Categories: Leader Blog, ResourcesComments Off on Daniel Resources

As we begin our study of the book of Daniel, here are some resources I have found helpful that I wanted to pass along for your use. The resources marked with an asterisk are the go-to’s for small group leaders and good places to look first!  

Bible Listening:

The Dwell App!  It’s amazing!  Wear it out! NW has it available here:

Background to the Book:

**The Gospel Project folks are the best at presenting background and outlines to books of the Bible in engaging ways.  Here’s their Daniel material.

Study/Reading Guides:

**This resource by Tremper Longman is the clearest and simplest guide to reading Daniel I have found.  It’s not an easy read (because Daniel isn’t!) but I found it very clear and helpful.

**NW’s own Mary Kathryn Lassetter has put together an amazing resource on how to study the Bible that uses the book of Daniel as a laboratory.  This is amazing work, MK!

**There is a helpful free course on Daniel on the Gospel Coalition Website.  It reads like a short commentary or study guide.  It includes discussion questions. As far as free stuff goes, this is gold!

And here is the course:


**Danny Aiken makes the book of Daniel as straight forward to understand as any one I have read.  If you aren’t a bible nerd, this could be your commentary!

The commentary I am benefitting most from currently is by Dale Ralph Davis.  Insightful and readable.

Also Worth a Look:

Iaian Duguid’s commentary reads like a compilation of sermons and is quite good:

And Temper Longman has also done the NIV application commentary which is helpful as well. At only $8 for the kindle version, this is a good deal!

Other authors to explore are Bryan Chappell’s commentary (also a sermon compilation) and James  Hamilton’s more theological work (“With the Clouds of Heaven”).
