TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Sowing to the Spirit

Adapted from Richard Foster,Ā Celebration of Discipline. Read: Ā Mark 4:1-34 Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is primarily a spiritual problem. The desperate need today is not for a great number of intelligent people or gifted people, but for deep people. The classical Disciplines of the spiritual life (Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Biblical Study, etc.) call us to move beyond the surface living into the depths. They invite us to explore the inner caverns of the spiritual realm. They urge us to be the answer to a hollow world. We must not be led to believe

By |May 24th, 2020|

A House Divided

Meditation for Preparation - Sunday, May 17th Written by R.C.Sproul.Ā  Ā Read: Ā Mark 3:7-35 Jesusā€™ initial ministry was concentrated in Galilee, which encompasses the northern portion of the Promised Land. Yet that does not mean the actions of Christ went unnoticed in the south. Todayā€™s passage makes that clear as it narrates our Lordā€™s encounter with ā€œthe scribes who came down from Jerusalem.ā€ Commentators agree that this is most likely a reference to an official entourage of some sort. The Jewish leaders had heard of Jesusā€™ work, and they wanted to see what it was allĀ about. When they examined Christā€™s

By |May 17th, 2020|

20 Ways to Help Your Children Process the Pandemic

This articles gives many practical options for looking to the needs of our entire family. Any one of the ideas here can make a real difference for our kids. Intentionally teaching during these moments will certainly help each of us. I hope you find this a helpful resource. ... The little eyes, little ears, little bodies and tender souls that live in our homes are busy processing as best as they can. Our primary missionary-making pattern right now is to disciple these little hearts with the mind and mission of Christ. In doing so, we are equipping our children with

By |May 13th, 2020|

Grace-Paced Living in a Culture of Burnout

Meditation for Preparation for Sunday, May 10, 2020 Written by David Murray.Ā Ā Read: Ā Mark 2:18-3:6 ā€œIā€™m tired and Iā€™m broken and I just need some rest.ā€ These were pastor Pete Wilsonā€™s words when he announced hisĀ surprise resignationĀ from Cross Point, a megachurch in Nashville. He went on: Leaders who lead on empty donā€™t lead well, and for some time now Iā€™ve been leading on empty. And so I believe the best thing I can do is to step aside from Cross Point. . . . More than ever I need your prayers, I need your support. Weā€™ve said that this is

By |May 10th, 2020|

Gospel of Mark Resources

As our study of the gospel of Mark gets underway, here are some resources for you to aid you in your personal study of the Gospel of Mark: Viewing & Listening The Lumo Project has done a video telling of the gospel of Mark with the unabridged text of the book being the entirety of the narration. Very well done! My favorite video telling of the gospels! You can find it on Netflix or here: The Gospel of Mark The Dwell App has a variety of voices and background music selections to aid you in listening to the scriptures (we

By |May 9th, 2020|

A Prayer for Our Paralyzed Friends

Written by Scotty Smith.Ā Read: Ā Mark 2:1-17 Merciful Jesus, all of us have friends who suffer from various expressions and degrees of paralysis. We lift them up to your throne of grace today, thankful we donā€™t have to fight crowds or remove any roof tiles to get to you. We bring you our friends still paralyzed by sin and deathā€”friends and family members who do not know you yet. You healed the paralytic to demonstrate your authority on earth to forgive sins (MarkĀ 2:5ā€“12). Thereā€™s no greater or more necessary healing than to be raised from spiritual death. So, Jesus, for

By |May 2nd, 2020|

Worshipping Christ In Mourning

Written by Mark Jones.Ā Ā Read: Ā Mark 1:14-45 We must all reckon with death. Someday we will all confront our own end, but along the way, we will also witness beloved friends and family pass from this life into the next. Death is a real enemy ā€” a frightening enemy. ā€œThe last enemy to be destroyed is deathā€ (1 Corinthians 15:26). I have watched people die in front of me. I have lost friends, young and old. Death is always ugly. Death always brings sorrow. And there is nothing wrong with grief in the face of death. Jesus himself wept over

By |April 25th, 2020|

Music for Your Mourning

Grief looks different for everyone.Ā  It's as unique as our fingerprints.Ā  I will grieve slightly differently than my wife.Ā  My children will grieve in their own way.Ā  Yet, as unique as it is, it is universally experienced.Ā  I am actually helped in my mourning by a brother or sister who is also mourning.Ā  The load is shared.Ā  Nick Taylor, North Wake member and part of the worship team, sent me these thoughts as he processes his own grief over the passing of Stephanie Jackson.Ā  It encouraged me and I pray it will help you as well. Ā  The Requiem Itā€™s

By |April 24th, 2020|

Grieving Together

As we all are grieving the loss of our dear sister Stephanie and rejoicing in her gain, it is hard to not be able to gather, grieve and celebrate together. Ā In light of that, several of our church leaders are recording short devotional type videos to help us grieve well as those who have a great and sure hope even in days like these. Ā  Our first video devotion is from Craig Morrisette, Director of Hope Counseling.Ā  Shanna Heath, NW staff member and Hope Counselor, has recorded a video to help families and children grieve well. Grieving Together - Craig

By |April 22nd, 2020|

Some Practical Steps to Combatting Anxiety

NWer and licensed counselor Mike Garrett has recorded this helpful video to encourage those of us who are struggling with anxiety these days. Ā If thatā€™s you, please be encouraged by Mikeā€™s counsel or pass it along to others you know who might be struggling with anxious thoughts. Practical Steps to Combatting Anxiety

By |April 14th, 2020|
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