By Published On: March 22nd, 2022Categories: Leader Blog, Resources0 Comments on Women Caring For Women

Women Caring For Women is a series designed to encourage and equip the women of North Wake to walk alongside one another through times of great distress and suffering and times of great rejoicing.  We as the body of Christ are not designed to journey through this life alone.  We need each other to uplift, encourage, rebuke, strengthen, and pray.  Just as Moses’ arms were held up by Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17), so the women of North Wake are called to hold up one another. Romans 12:15 also encourages us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.”   When one suffers, we all suffer.  When one rejoices, we all rejoice.  This is God’s design for us!!

Women Caring For Women desires to give us the tools we need to live out these verses whether we are suffering through a difficult circumstance or rejoicing through a wonderful circumstance.  We are not alone when we lose a loved one.  We are not alone when we are suffering from abuse.  We are not alone when our family member rejects their Savior.  We are not alone when we get promoted at work.  We are not alone when we have a baby.

Some of the topics will be weighty, but when we come together as sisters in Christ, we can see the value of these conversations and the working of Jesus in our midst.  During our time together,  we have the opportunity to worship our great Father, to pray with and for one another, to weep together, to fellowship with other ladies, to uplift and encourage our sisters.  Every woman at North Wake can benefit from attending these gatherings.  Our prayer is that we will continue to grow in the way we care for one another to the glory of God.

Grieving with Hope

by Liz Williams (Feb 25, 2022)