By Published On: January 6th, 2021Categories: Encouragement, Leader BlogComments Off on “Is It Selfish For a Pastor To Post This??”

I found this article by Ed Welch (link below) insightful regarding expectations that we carry into church services. While we should expect God to do wonderful things in and through us by the preaching of His Word and the worship of His name, perhaps we sometimes have unbiblical or unrealistic expectations for church (or from our pastors) as well. Welch challenges us to attend church services prepared to engage God and others rather than passively awaiting some sort of pre-packaged experience. What sorts of things do you expect from your time gathered with the church? In what ways can you prepare to be an active participant in the gathering of the church (even while livestreaming)? 

“My minimal expectations on Sunday morning are that I pray for the preacher, I come prepared to be engaged in singing, I take basic notes, I aim to get to know one person so that I know how to pray for that person, and I talk to my wife about the passage.” – Ed Welch