TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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The Lighthouse of Hardship

Meditation for Preparation for Worship for August 1, 2021 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for

By |July 28th, 2021|

Meditation for Preparation for Worship for July 25th

Pray: Father, please “open my eyes that I may see wonderful truths in your instructions.” (Psalm 119:18 NLT).  Read: Philippians 1:1-11, Acts 16:12-40 “Partakers with me of grace…. (1:7).” “Grace, grace, God‘s grace” is what formed the deep and cherished bond between Paul and the Philippian church. A bond so strong he “yearned for them with all the affection of Christ Jesus” and “[held] them in his heart (1:7,8).” Opposed minorities in a proud Roman city, they sought a different kingdom; feasted from a different table. They ate and drank holy mysteries—strength in weakness, deliverance from and through evil, and

By |July 22nd, 2021|

Short Video Reviews of the Book of Daniel

Here are a handful of helpful video overviews of the book of Daniel.  Pick one or two to help you remember what you have been learning from this book! The Bible Project.  The best informational overview of the book! Daniel "The Bible in 5" [28 of 49] Tim Mackie (The Bible Project) — Here’s another helpful overview! The Book of Daniel (Spoken Gospel) - This is very creative and the most inspirational of the lot! Daniel in 10 Minutes - Easily the most fun! God's Story: Daniel — And a good one for young kids on the first 6 chapters!

By |July 19th, 2021|

Meditation for Preparation for Worship for July 18th

Taken simply as a literary work, the book of Daniel has something for everyone.  Marvelous bedtime stories to inspire children (or grownups).  Tales of betrayal, insanity, and suspense. For the lover of mysteries and puzzles, plenty of symbolism, miracles, and prophecy.  Yes, simply as a literary work, it is genius.  Even though it is a historical piece, documenting the succession of nations, it grabs the reader’s attention.   A “greatly beloved” main character and his three friends, ripped from their homes, face conflict within and without.  Will the enemies have them killed?  Will they withstand all temptation to turn to idols

By |July 14th, 2021|

Meditation for Preparation For Worship for July 11th

Read: Daniel 12 As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you. Daniel 12:13 NLT Over the past months we have traveled with Daniel and his friends out of their homeland and into captivity; we have been swept into the courts of kings, smelled the furnace burn, felt the fur of the lion, wondered at strange visions, and gazed in awe at the angels. It is hard not to get swept up in the book of Daniel.

By |July 7th, 2021|

Meditation for Preparation For Worship for July 4, 2021

This Sunday, we will be gathering with other Christians to encourage them and be encouraged by them, and we will be studying Daniel 11 together.   Admit My Need To Prepare We all enter on Sundays with worries and strains. We have things we are looking forward to that are happening after worship or sometime in the next week. They can make it hard to fully participate in worship — to listen closely, to join in prayer silently, to sing, and to care for others. Join the Psalmist in considering our need as we approach Yahweh, the One True God and

By |July 2nd, 2021|

Spiritual Warfare and Prayer From Daniel 10

Here are several resources I found insightful from Daniel 10 related to matters it raises concerning the intersection of prayer and spiritual warfare: Angels and Prayer  - a very helpful sermon by John Piper Angels, Demons, and the Spiritual Dynamics of Prayer - another helpful sermon, this one by Sam Storms. Daniel 10 and the Notion of Territorial Spirits  - a bit more scholarly article by David Stevens.  Read this if you’re really interested in thinking more about territorial spirits! Enjoy!

By |July 2nd, 2021|

A Radical Sabbatical (For Me & You)

You and I were created for a singular purpose.  It has been summarized in various ways throughout history, but the Westminster catechism gives succinct clarity when it says the purpose of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!  Everything I do is directed at that one magnificent and glorious goal.  In my coming and my going, in my repentance and in my praise, in my working and in my resting, I long to offer it all as worship and enjoy the beauty, truth, mercy, and goodness of our God. Most of us have no issue understanding how to

By |June 30th, 2021|

A Transformational Vision of Christ

Read Daniel 10 "There, but for the grace of God, go I." So said the English Reformer John Bradford, apparently, when he saw prisoners being taken for execution. Death, he knew, was what his sin deserved. He would in the end be executed himself, though not for any sin. In 1555, he was burned to death at Smithfield, London, as part of "Bloody" Queen Mary's campaign against the evangelicals. Tied to the stake, he turned to his fellow martyr, John Leaf, and said, "Be of good comfort, brother, for we shall have a merry supper with the Lord this night."

By |June 23rd, 2021|

About All Those 7’s!

After all the charts in Sunday’s sermon on Daniel 9.20-27 (06/20/21), here is a more detailed summary that I found helpful (the charts I used on Sunday are from this article).  His conclusions are a little different than most, but the way he summarizes the different views is fair and helpful.

By |June 22nd, 2021|
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