TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Smartphone Addiction and Our Spiritual ADD

Here's a link to a really good article suggested by one of our elders, Travis Williams. "Take a look at this insightful and timely article on the effects smart phones are having on our spiritual & relational health and practical ways fight back."

By |November 13th, 2019|

Getting Ready For The Answer To Your Prayers!

As we are asking God to open a door for the gospel in the life of our  “One” (the one we love and long to see come to Christ), this little 3 minute video helps prepare you to share the Good News of the love of Christ with them.  Take 3 minutes to be ready when God answers your prayers!

By |November 7th, 2019|

3 Hurdles in Sharing the Gospel

In the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil, Haitian hurdler Jeffrey Julmis shot out of the blocks quickly, only to hit the first hurdle and fall to the ground. While certainly embarrassed, Julmis could have easily walked off without completing the race. Instead, he got up and finished, successfully jumping over the remaining hurdles. That hurdle did not stop him from finishing the race — that’s what he was there to do. ... To continue reading click HERE. Written by NWer Josh Reed

By |October 23rd, 2019|

Why All Good Christians Should Celebrate Halloween

October 31st. For most Americans this date means one thing: **Halloween.** Costumes, candy and trick-or-treaters spending to the tune of $2.5 billion making this holiday second only to Christmas in marketing revenue. But good Christians don’t celebrate Halloween. Or do they? Some Protestants may prefer to call it Reformation Day, for after all, that is the date that Martin Luther nailed his Theses to the door at Castle Church in Wittenberg back in 1517. That does pre-date the first usage of the phrase “All Hallows Eve” (commonly known now as Halloween) which didn’t emerge until some 40 years later in

By |October 16th, 2019|

How Do Grit and Discipleship Work Together?

In the grand adventure of parenting, there are many things we get to rejoice over. One that is at the top of every preschool parent’s list is checking the box that says “fully potty trained.” .... To read more click HERE.

By |October 11th, 2019|

Our Africa Mission Trip

A Prayer Guide for Jake & Chelle Mason October 4th and 5th Please pray that Jake and I would be safe. We have 4 flights with 1 airport transfer (30 hours total travel) – RDU to DC : DC to Ethiopia : Ethiopia to Nairobi : Nairobi to Diani Beach. Pray that we stay in good spirits and as with any tired, traveling spouses, that we would strive to serve; be patient with one another and avoid annoyance; frustration (Phil 2:14). Pray that ALL our bags make it with us and that our transitions are easy. October 5th - 8th

By |October 8th, 2019|

Where Our 2019 JOF Monies Are Going

First, THANK YOU for coming together with the ERLC and Human Coalition to provide a new 3D/4D ultrasound machine for our Women's Care Clinic in Raleigh!  This is such a picture of how God works through His bride to make great things happen! It just arrived this week! You have already been a part of rescuing more than 250 children from abortion in RDU this year! That is 10 classrooms of children who will start kindergarten in 2025! You are also a part of rescuing more than 2700 children across America this year...112 classrooms of children! We cannot do it without

By |September 21st, 2019|

3 Ways You Can Bless Every Home In Your Neighborhood

Josh Reed, a NWer and a consultant with the Baptist State Convention, recently published this article. The biblical narrative puts forth God’s vision to have a people for Himself that functions as priests to neighborhoods and nations to help bring about the reality that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).... To read more, click the link below. 3 Ways You Can Bless Every Home In Your Neighborhood

By |September 20th, 2019|

Prayer for Return of Christ

[Leader] Jesus, you promise to come again for us. You say “Surely, I am coming soon.” And we, your church respond:  [Congregation] Come, Lord Jesus!  Our Father has trained us to renounce ungodliness, and promises us a blessed hope of your visible return. Let us see you, so Come, Lord Jesus!  You have a crown of righteousness — your own righteousness — for each one of us who love your appearing. Come, Lord Jesus! We endure suffering and sickness in these lowly bodies, but we know you will transform this to be like your glorious body.  We beg to be

By |September 4th, 2019|

Revelation Resources!

As we launch our study of the book of Revelation here are some resources I have been using that have been helpful in studying and enjoying Revelation: Listening has a number of listening options. Streetlights Bible - Revelation with a beat! Dwell App is another great listening option for a fee. Background The Bible Project people have done it again! Free Online Commentary & Bible Study Prof. Vern Poythress has 2 wonderful resources available online for free! The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation - A very helpful, readable commentary.  I would highly recommend this as the

By |August 30th, 2019|
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