TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Social Media Resources to Help You Reach Your Neighbors

NWer Marie Burrus recently published an article on "Social Media Resources to Help You Reach Your Neighbors."  She writes ... In our busy, disconnected modern society, finding community is hard. Especially for the unchurched, it can be even more challenging. Many Millennials are using technology as their favorite tool to find social interaction, new friend groups and activities in which to participate. I recently had a conversation with an older friend who was having a hard time finding nonbelievers to talk to. She was blown away to hear about the many websites and apps I suggested for making connections with

By |August 17th, 2019|

Doubt Your Doubts

A couple of weeks ago I preached the last few verses of 2nd Peter and I mentioned the enduring need to doubt our doubts. I mentioned a couple of ways to do that, but I also wanted to make you aware of an article that I found super helpful in thinking about how to “doubt your doubts." Give it a read! I hope it helps you “doubt your doubts” and “faith your faith.” 5 Ways to Doubt Your Doubts Noah Joyner

By |August 16th, 2019|

False Teachers and 2 Peter 2

In keeping with our text about false teachers in 2nd Peter 2 this past Sunday (7/20/19) - here are 2 provocative videos on the “so-called prosperity gospel." Buckle up! False Teachers by Shai Linne John Piper and the Prosperity Gospel Kyrie eleison, Christi eleison, Pastor Larry

By |July 23rd, 2019|

2 Peter With a Beat!

If you’d like another listening option for 2 Peter, here is a reading by the folks at Streetlights Bible that has a beat to it! You can listen to it here on spotify: You can read more about their project here: Enjoy!! Pastor Larry

By |July 11th, 2019|

Help With Those Precious Promises

In our text for last Sunday (7/7/19) Peter urged us to embrace the precious and very great promises God has given to those who know Him (2 Peter 1.4). Here are two helps to aid you in trusting those promises: Help With The “How” This article by Prof. Zack Eswine gives a helpful structure for praying through one of God’s good promises. How to Pray God's Promises Help With The “Where” This book by pastor Tim Kerr is simply a compilation of the promises of God ordered around different topics like promises for those who suffer, for those who are anxious,

By |July 9th, 2019|

Getting Ready for 2 Peter!

This Sunday we start our sermon series in 2 Peter!  Here are 2 great resources to help you get ready for this study: Listen to the book as it is read to you! You can listen to the whole book of 2 Peter in less than 10 minutes! (My favorite listening version is the NIVUK). You can access multiple audio bibles for free here: Bible Gateway Watch the Bible Project overview of the book - again, less than 10 minutes! The Bible Project — 2 Peter

By |July 5th, 2019|

Videos from NW’s Grandkids!

Our church plants in DC (Restoration Church) and in Tampa (Covenant Life) have both planted churches in their cities!  Here are the videos we attempted to show in the services on 6/30: Video from The Heights Church, Tampa ( Video from Iglesia Biblical Sublime Gracia ( Enjoy! Pastor Larry

By |July 3rd, 2019|

8 Principles That Help Me Live Out My Faith at Work

Matt Williams is a husband and father to two girls. He attended Appalachian State University and is currently a practice manager for an ophthalmology practice. He is from Wake Forest, NC, and currently attends Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  He serves as a trustee at North Wake. Click HERE to read this article written by Matt Williams.

By |June 17th, 2019|

Let Us Come to the Table

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” Psalm 95:6-8a When I first came to salvation as a young teenager, I attended a small baptist church in a small town in Georgia. In traditional fashion for this church, communion was taken once a quarter. So every three months, two trays were passed down the row. We would take the drink and the

By |May 22nd, 2019|
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