TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Just the Facts Christianity

There is a catchphrase from 1950’s television that I have always related to…“Just the facts, ma’am.” This was the phrase regularly uttered by Sgt. Joe Friday while conducting interviews during police investigations on the show Dragnet. As an ex-accountant whose left-brain is regularly in charge, I default to logic, analysis, structure and organization. So I can connect with a guy who helps people get straight to the facts. Just tell me the important information that I need to know so that I can be as productive as possible. After all, this is efficient and does not waste anyone’s time. Well,

By |May 31st, 2017|

The Valley of Vision

Have you ever sat down to your devotional time with the Lord and wondered what to pray, or just started praying the same things, like, “Dear God, thank you for today, thank you for my family…” You mean what you pray, but sometimes, your prayer time has become such a routine that you zone out, don’t pay attention, and pray the same thing twice or even three times. The Valley of Vision is a book of puritan prayers that has become an amazing prompt for me. There are sections labeled things like “Needs and Devotions,” “Holy Aspirations,” and “Service and

By |May 10th, 2017|

Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices

Thomas Brooks wrote this really cool reference-devotional for people struggling with various plaguing thoughts and habits. In a way, it is a guide for self-counseling, which has been weird at times, but fun. When a dear friend gave it to me, I thought, “What a strange title,” but it has turned out to be one of the sweetest gifts ever. Some of the chapters are about ‘Keeping the soul from holy duties,’ ‘Keeping the soul in a sad, doubting, uncomfortable state,’ and ‘Drawing the soul to sin.’ These chapters then include subsections like, “By (Satan’s) causing [souls] to be still

By |May 4th, 2017|

Fig Monday: Forgiveness and Moving Mountains

  In Sunday's message (3/12/17) I alluded to a Lenten devotional on forgiveness that was very powerful.  You can read the whole devotional (poetry, art, scripture, video, devotion) here: Lenten Devotional On Forgiveness If you'd just like to watch the video from that devotional that I alluded to in the services on Amish Forgiveness.  Here it is: Amish Grace And this is the article I mentioned by Pastor John Piper on the amazing promise of mountain-moving prayer in Mark 11.  I found his perspective very helpful: What Do Answers to Prayer Depend On?

By |March 15th, 2017|

Finding Freedom From Sin

If you are anything like me, you probably struggle with some recurring sin habits. You know they are ugly, you know God hates them but you just can’t seem to change. Why? I believe it is partly because we all enjoy the idea of change but are unwilling to do the work of change. The attached document (Transformation Guide) will describe in greater detail what I mean. This "guide" is a resource, an aid, to help you find victory over these sin struggles. I hope it helps you find freedom..."For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again

By |March 9th, 2017|

Ammunition For Lent

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are at the very heart of Christianity. The good news of the gospel is that God has acted in history to conquer evil and reconcile sinners to himself through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. For those who have been united with this Jesus – who have submitted to Him as savior and Lord – have been united with Him in the likeness of His death and will one day be united with Him in the likeness of His resurrection (Rom. 6:5). Lent, therefore, is about living out of our union with,

By |March 2nd, 2017|

Hebrews Resources

As we study the book of Hebrews this year, here are some helpful resources to aid you as you read and study the book of Hebrews personally. Resources for Personal Bible Study: Personal Bible Study Sheet: This is a simple sheet your group can use as a guide as you study the passage in anticipation of your small group discussion each week: personal-bible-study-sheet "Better" study guide for women by Jenn Wilkin: This helpful study guide with companion audio comes from a church in TX. Background Resources for the Book of Hebrews: Video Overview: This is the video overview of the

By |February 24th, 2017|

“A Prayer for Prideful Husbands” (And the rest of us prideful ones too!)

This past Sunday (7/23/17) I had the chance to speak to our men in our adult LifeChange classes about pride and how it hinders reconciliation in our marriages.  At the close of our time I prayed this prayer for our men.  It's called "Litany of Humility." I call it "A Prayer for Husbands"! Here it is... pray it slowly and honestly before the Lord! Larry - O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. - From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus. - From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus. - From the desire of

By |February 16th, 2017|

Personal Testimony How To

Being good at evangelism often times begins with learning very basic skills that help us be prepared for conversation when the topic of faith comes up.  Perhaps one of the most basic skills every Christian should know is how to clearly, simply and quickly share their own personal testimony of conversion and faith. While sometimes it is the case that our non-Christian friends are not yet interested in working through a Gospel outline, they very often are interested in hearing how you came to faith in Christ. Being able to tell them "clearly" focuses the emphasis in the conversation on our

By |February 8th, 2017|
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