By Published On: February 14th, 2018Categories: Leader Blog, ResourcesComments Off on The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

(That all peoples of the earth may know Him)

What is Lottie Moon?  It’s not a phase of the lunar calendar or a new drink at Starbucks. The question should be: who is Lottie Moon?  Lottie Moon is the namesake of the international missions’ offering taken annually at Christmas time in Southern Baptist Churches (SBC) around the world to fund the work of Southern Baptist missionaries.

Lottie Moon was a hard-working, deep-loving, young lady who left America in 1873 to do missionary work in China so that all the people might know her Savior, Jesus Christ.  Why was the offering named for this early missionary to China?  Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home urging Southern Baptists to make great their mission’s involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptist Churches to take an offering in 1888 for international missions at Christmas time – thus the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (LMCO) was born.  That first offering of $3313 was enough to send three new missionaries to China. From that point on Southern Baptists have been collecting the LMCO for the past 130 years. Today there are about 5000 SBC missionaries serving overseas whose salaries are funded primarily through this offering.

And that is the reason I am writing to you today. We are privileged at North Wake to have commissioned and sent over 45 missionaries in the past 20 years through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Currently, the LMCO is providing funding for 20 of our Far-Flung Friends who are working diligently in some hard places around the world sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Every penny of your gift to LMCO goes to support them.

Once again, during the Entermissions weekend, you will have two opportunities to contribute to the LMCO.  During our Saturday, Auction for the Nations, all the proceeds from the silent auction and 6 items from the live auction will go directly to Lottie Moon.  On Sunday morning, separate from our regular offering, we will be collecting an offering at the end of each service that will go directly to Lottie Moon.  So come to the auction on Saturday night, bid wildly during the silent auction, and then on Sunday, if you are able, plan to give to the LMCO at the end of the services.  You won’t find a better eternal return on your money!

To the Glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ,

Rob Craig
Outreach Pastor