TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Prayer Fodder

I watched this little 3 minute video by David Platt on the importance of prayer.  Hope it encourages you in your vital role in praying for God’s kind work amongst all peoples! Why Prayer Matters For Him!

By |December 6th, 2017|

The 3-Circle Life Conservation Training Video

At Sunday's night's prayer meeting I demonstrated how to use the 3-Circle Life Conservation to make a Gospel presentation.  Here's a link to a more in-depth training video that will help you more effectively share the Gospel. There will also be a 3-Circle Conversation training this weekend (Saturday, Nov 11th) at Southeastern Seminary here in Wake Forest for anyone interested in learning more about how to effectively witness and disciple using the 3-Circles Conversation tool.  Follow this link to learn more details about the training: I'm praying for the opportunities the Lord is going to provide us all to share our faith

By |November 6th, 2017|

NW’s Roots!

This past Sunday, Oct 22nd, I spoke on the Protestant Reformation in our morning services. I recommended this resource to our congregation — “Freedom Movement” by Michael Reeves. It is a delightful, short, free read (as a pdf) that you can download from this site: Freedom Movement In addition, you might also want to check out these helpful resources on our Protestant roots as well: These are little 5 minute videos on church history.  October has been focusing on Martin Luther: 5 Minutes in Church History And this is a very helpful summary of the 5 solas by Tim Chester: The Five

By |October 26th, 2017|

The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation

The month of October marks the 500th anniversary of a key event that effectively launched the Protestant Reformation.  Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Catholic church in Wittenburg, Germany on October, 31, 1517.  If you’d like to meet some of the leaders of that movement and hear their stories (you can actually listen to these articles read aloud!), Desiring God ministries has put together 31 very brief biographies of key reformers who have shaped our faith and our world. You can read (or listen) to them here: Here We Stand Enjoy!

By |October 6th, 2017|

Why Does God Allow Tragedy and Suffering?

With the latest tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas come many questions, some our own and some from our friends.  I ran across this helpful article by pastor and author Lee Strobel that may be of help to you or to those you are engaging who are trying to make sense out of such great sorrow in our world alongside the presence of a good God. Be steadfast.  We are right to trust in the greater goodness of God even when the world seems to have gone mad all around us. Why Does God Allow Tragedy Ps. 23.4 Larry

By |October 5th, 2017|

Loving God and Neighbor on Tragic Days

I still remember where I was and what I was doing on that morning 16 years ago today. As my co-workers and I gathered around a television to see what was going on, we watched with a mix of confusion and horror as the second tower of the World Trade Center crumbled to the ground. The moments after that were a fog of bewilderment as we tried to make sense of what we were seeing. May we not forget that there are many today still trying to make sense of the events surrounding 9/11. No matter the tragedy, trying to

By |September 13th, 2017|

Hurricane Harvey – How to Help

We have just witnessed what might become the worst natural disaster in American history in Hurricane Harvey's devastation of parts of Texas and surrounding states. Rescue efforts continue as flooding has destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes and displaced the families that live in them. We live in an era where we can learn so much about the far away disaster and yet feel so helpless to offer relief. Here are a few ways to support those who are hurting and those who are helping. Give Southern Baptist relief was on its way before Hurricane Harvey made landfall. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has

By |September 6th, 2017|

Work, Calling, Coffee and Strategic Weirdness …

This blog post is about our own Kyle Ramage, who often runs sound at NW during the morning services, and who also won the national barista competition this year! The interviewer is Nathaniel Williams, a former NWer, who is the pastor of Cedar Rock Baptist Church near Louisburg and who also manages the SEBTS blog, the intersect project, about faith, work and culture. Intersect: Where Faith Meets Culture Read Kyle's story and  be encouraged about your work and calling! Make People Wonder Why You're Weird Larry

By |July 26th, 2017|

Summer Lovin’: Basics of Daily Devotions for Teens (and others!)

I L-O-V-E summer. Even though I am not in school anymore, summer still smells like freedom to me! Summer meant replacing my school books with the pool, the ocean, the rivers, and the woods of South Georgia! (We didn’t have any of that “year round school” stuff back in the day!) My birthday is right in the middle of summer. (Watermelon and homemade ice cream anyone?!) During college, summers meant that my long-distance lady-friend (now wife) and I lived in the same town for a few weeks. Years later, we were married in summer
 and our first child was born

By |June 14th, 2017|

Elder Update From Gene Woodall

The blog this week is from one of our elders, Gene Woodall.  Gene has been serving as an elder for several years now and is going to take a respite from actively serving as an elder for a season.  His encouraging, thoughtful, prayerful presence will be greatly missed by our team.  Your prayers for him and for all our elders are so greatly needed and appreciated! Thankful, Larry Dear North Wakers, Over the last several months, I have been praying about whether or not to stay active as an elder at NW.  After a season of prayer, I feel led

By |June 7th, 2017|
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