TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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The Shocking Words of Christ

By Jimmy Agan. Read:  Mark 7:24-37 [The Dwell App has a variety of voices and background music selections to aid you in listening to the scriptures (we have a 60 day free trial for NWers)! Click HERE to sign up.] It is often said—and rightly so—that Jesus is the hero of every text of Scripture. Yet when we first encounter him in Matthew 15:26, Jesus looks anything but heroic. Instead, it appears that he is failing to be missional, and being entirely rude in the process. Consider the context:[1] Jesus, in “the district of Tyre and Sidon” (Matt. 15:21), is approached by “a

By |July 5th, 2020|

The Making of a Modern Pharisee

By Marshall Segal. Read:  Mark 7:1-23 [The Dwell App has a variety of voices and background music selections to aid you in listening to the scriptures (we have a 60 day free trial for NWers)! Click HERE to sign up.] We are all born legalists, but we are made into Pharisees. Spurgeon once preached, “Beloved, the legalist [in us] is a great deal older than the Christian. If I were a legalist today, I should be some fifteen or sixteen years older than I am as a Christian; for we are all born legalists.” We are all born believing we can earn and

By |June 28th, 2020|

Christ the Warrior in Prayer

By R.C. Sproul. Read:  Mark 6:45-56 [The Dwell App has a variety of voices and background music selections to aid you in listening to the scriptures (we have a 60 day free trial for NWers)! Click HERE to sign up.] We are accustomed to understanding the shepherding language in Scripture in warm, pastoral terms of comfort. Certainly, that is appropriate, since the Bible often uses shepherding imagery in such a way (for example, Ps. 23). However, the language of shepherd and sheep also appears in reference to military leaders. It is applied to Assyrian generals in Nahum 3:18. Ezekiel 37:24 likens the

By |June 21st, 2020|

Rest, Play and the Good Life

This past Sunday (06/14/20) I alluded to a short 10 minute “TED talk” concerning Rest that I gave a couple of years ago at SEBTS.  Here’s the link to that talk.  I hope it’s an encouragement to you as you respond to Jesus’ invitation to find rest. - even rest for your souls.

By |June 15th, 2020|

God Feeds His People…Again

Adapted from The ESV Gospel Transformation Bible, (C) 2013 Read:  Mark 6:6-44 The Dwell App has a variety of voices and background music selections to aid you in listening to the scriptures (we have a 60 day free trial for NWers)! Click HERE to sign up. The feeding of the 5,000 (see also Mark 8:1-10) is a reminder of when God miraculously fed Israel in the desert centuries earlier (Ex 16:31; Deut. 8:16).  The same God who provided for Israel is now providing for the needs of this hungry crowd through his Son. God always provides what is best for his eternal purposes, and

By |June 14th, 2020|

Relationships Move at the Speed of Trust 

I sat in the worship center processing this sentence that Josh Reed had just uttered. "Relationships move at the speed of trust." The more I mulled it over in my mind, the more it rang true. My deepest and longest lasting relationships are with people I trust the most. My most fragile and tepid relationships are with those I trust the least. When the world gets topsy-turvy and we need advice we can trust, where do we turn? In a day and age where everyone's voice is equally heard over the conduits of social media, filtering the voices we trust

By |June 13th, 2020|

Miracle of Miracles

By Jeff Peabody. Read:  Mark 5:21-6:6 Off the shores of the Philippines, a fisherman discovered a very large, misshapen pearl. It was not pretty. It looked more like an amoeba, with blobs and folds everywhere. He took the unusual find home and stowed it under his bed. When he moved ten years later, he had no use for it, so he gave it to the local tourism office. It turned out to be the world’s largest pearl, with an estimated worth of roughly $100 million. It’s easy to miss the value of something when it bears no resemblance to what

By |June 7th, 2020|

The Infallible Pilot

By Tony Reinke. Read:  Mark 4:35-5:20 In the fall of 1782, a 57-year-old man walked the docks of Deptford, a South London port on the Thames river. Thirty miles inland from the sea, the port was the home of the Royal Navy Dockyards, and the man looked out over the war ships and merchant vessels as he reflected on his own seafaring past. It’s not possible to know all the memories passing through his mind, but he was likely reminded of his time spent aboard a Navy ship, a few merchant ships, and even African slave trading ships. His mind

By |May 31st, 2020|

Resources for Growing and Sowing

In keeping with the parables of the four soils, here's a few resources to help our listening to (growing) and speaking (sowing) the word of Jesus. Several of these we have already shared, but if you haven't utilized them, now's your second chance! "Growing"/Listening The Dwell App is still free for North Wakers! This is one way to literally listen to God's Word and 'soak it in'. I've been especially helped by listening to the Psalms before bedtime. If you haven't downloaded it yet, do it! The Lumo Project is a film version of the Gospel of Mark containing an unabridged narration of Mark's gospel. (They

By |May 28th, 2020|
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