TwelveTwelve: The Leader Blog of North Wake Church

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Astounded by Darkness and Mercy – Hosea 1-2

God sent the prophet Hosea to Israel at a critical point in history before the Assyrians overran the nation. I find the message both incredibly uncomfortable and overwhelmingly reassuring. The book of Hosea shows the hard truth that my wandering from God amounts to adultery and prostitution. Through the dark night of ugly reality shines this extreme goodness of God like a sudden bonfire:  He brings restoration in spite of my unfaithful misery. Read the commission God gave to His prophet Hosea. Hosea 1:2-6 (ESV) When the LORD first spoke through Hosea, the LORD said to Hosea, "Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of

By |April 28th, 2022|

Attention to Detail

Have you ever noticed the attention to detail that a bride gives to her wedding? From the hair, to the dress, to the nails, to the shoes, to the very aisle she walks down, nothing escapes the eye of the bride as she sets everything in motion. She wants it to be just right for the moment that she is joined with her groom. Have you ever considered that this preparation and attention to detail is Biblical? Revelation 19 records these words for us: Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar

By |April 20th, 2022|

Biblical Geology 101

Let’s talk about rocks. My husband loves rocks—geodes, quartz, obsidian, sandstone, lapis lazuli—and a host of others you probably have never heard of.  He studied them in college. He points them out on our walks. He loves a gem mine or a gem show.  Recently he purchased a rock that can only be found in a certain mine in Spain.  You could definitely say rocks are one of his favorite things. Rocks are a pretty big deal in the Bible, too. There are at least 99 references to rocks (or stones) in Scripture. God wrote His laws on stone tablets.

By |April 17th, 2022|

“Good” Friday? North Wakers on How Jesus’s Death is Good

This day, we commemorate the day that our sin killed Jesus. His death hardly seems "good" -- so 15 North Wakers gave me their reasons on what's so Good about Good Friday. Dani Lynn Black: The death of Jesus is good because it reveals to us the love and kindness of our Father God, the glory that only He deserves, and a way to be heirs with Christ (children of the one and only God). Scott Brazil: The crushing of God's Son was good for believers who now receive peace with God instead. (Isaiah 53:5) Jason Burgess: [Jesus's death] Paved the

By |April 15th, 2022|

Sermon Resources: My Heart Christ’s Home and 3 Circles

Here are the 2 resources I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday (4/9/22). My Heart Christ’s Home— this is short story that’s a metaphor of sorts of the Christian life.  Your life is likened to a house where Christ inhabits each room. 3 Circles: Sharing the Gospel — this is a 2 minute video on how to share the gospel of Jesus using the 3 circles.  Review it and be prepared!

By |April 14th, 2022|

Oneness is the Light We Shine

No matter what culture you come from, there are things you do and say that tell a person what kind of person you may be. In some contexts, your last name tells people more about you than you would ever like them to know. In the States, it tends to be what you do for a living or what kind of car you drive that indicates your status or even personality. But what do you choose to tell people about yourself before you say anything else? Is it that you belong to Jesus and are one with his followers? Read

By |April 7th, 2022|

A Bullet Worth Refiring

Read:  John 17:1-19   Do you take notes during the sermon?  Do you jot down ideas or Scriptures that the Holy Spirit highlights to you?  My journal is full of riveting one-liners that are fired off by whoever is preaching.  I'll often find myself meditating on them, sharing them with friends, and even using them in the lyrics of a song I'm writing.     Larry shot one off two weeks ago that Jesus re-emphasizes in our passage this week.  Jesus has just finished teaching His disciples for the last time before He will be crucified; as He is praying, He says to the Father, "But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in

By |March 30th, 2022|

Battle Won

In the last few hours before the worst day of his life on earth, Jesus declared victory over the world.

By |March 23rd, 2022|

Women Caring For Women

Women Caring For Women is a series designed to encourage and equip the women of North Wake to walk alongside one another through times of great distress and suffering and times of great rejoicing.  We as the body of Christ are not designed to journey through this life alone.  We need each other to uplift, encourage, rebuke, strengthen, and pray.  Just as Moses’ arms were held up by Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17), so the women of North Wake are called to hold up one another. Romans 12:15 also encourages us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with

By |March 22nd, 2022|

Abide in Christ

Read: John 15:1-17 When reading John 15 the one word we most likely associate with this passage is Abide or, more specifically, Abide in Christ. What image does that conjure up in your mind and heart? Do you find it comforting? Do you find it scary? Do you see freedom or do you see burden? Do you see something that others joyfully live in, but you have never experienced? As believers, we are called to abide in Christ. We are to remain, to dwell, to endure in Christ. But have you ever stopped to think about the fact that this

By |March 17th, 2022|
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